Fig. 3.
Transcriptomic profiling of circulating monocytes in the acute and recovery stage of community-acquired pneumonia. A Principal component (PC) plot depicting PC1 and PC2 of 32,630 transcripts of monocytes sampled from CAP patients (acute, n = 75; recovery, n = 59) and control subjects (n = 41). B, C Volcano plot representation (integrating log2 fold change and multiple-comparison adjusted p values) of genome-wide alterations in RNA expression of CAP patient monocytes obtained during (B) the acute stage, and (C) recovery stage, relative to control monocytes. *upregulated genes, absolute fold expression >1.5 and adjusted p<0.01; *downregulated genes, absolute fold expression ≤1.5 and adjusted p<0.01. D Bar plots illustrating significantly enriched ingenuity’s canonical signaling pathways in acute stage monocytes. E Heatmaps of upregulated genes and downregulated genes involved in specific, significant canonical signaling pathways in acute stage monocytes relative to control subjects