Table 12.4.
Major outcome measures for chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) and amputation prevention
Quality assurance measure | Calculation |
| |
Limb salvage rate | No. of total patients – No. of major amputations (BKA or AKA) No. of total patients |
Major to minor amputation ratio | No. of major amputations performed (BKA or AKA) No. of limb-sparing amputations performed |
Healing percentage, all wounds | No. of wounds healed Total No. of wounds – palliative care patients |
Healing percentage, DFUs | No. of DFUs healed Total No. of DFUs – palliative care patients |
Median days to heal, all wounds | Calculate days to heal for all wounds. Exclude amputated and palliative care patients. |
Median days to heal, DFUs | Calculate days to heal for all DFUs. Exclude amputated and palliative care patients. |
Noninvasive vascular study, DFUs | No. of NIVSs performed No. of new DFU patients |
Revascularization success, open bypass | No. of open bypass patients – No. of open bypass failures No. of open bypass patients |
Revascularization success, endovascular | No. of endovascular patients – No. of endovascular failures No. of endovascular patients |
AKA, Above-knee amputation; BKA, below-knee amputation; DFUs, diabetic foot ulcers; NIVSs, noninvasive vascular studies.
Palliative care patients are defined as those in whom healing is not the treatment goal, that is, terminal or hospice patients.