Figure 3.
A. Within-run precision = f [serum cortisol]. Evolution of within-run (n = 4) CV (%) across the serum cortisol concentration. Spiked cortisol levels for the linearity study were run in quadruplicate, allowing assessment of the CV evolution across the concentration: CV remained low (1.5–7%) from 1,380 nmol/L (50 μg/dL) to 69 nmol/L (2.5 μg/dL), before increasing at an increasing rate at lower concentrations. B. Serum cortisol spiking-recovery bias = f [serum cortisol]. Evolution of the spiking-recovery bias (%) across the serum cortisol concentration. Spiked cortisol levels for the linearity study were run in quadruplicate, and the mean was used to calculate the recovery and the bias percentages. The spiking-recovery bias remained minimal (–7% to +4%) across the reportable range. C. Serum cortisol TEoSR = f [serum cortisol]. Evolution of TEo (%) across the serum cortisol concentration. Within-run CV (from Fig. 3A) and spiking-recovery bias (from Fig. 3B) were combined to calculate TEo across the serum cortisol concentration.