Figure 2 |. Cryo-EM analysis of the strand exchange reaction with 67 bp dsDNA containing a 10-nt region of homology.
a, Semi-transparent maps of the unsharpened cryo-EM density from the consensus reconstruction (left), and of the masked heteroduplex density from the post-processed 2.4 Å map (right). The density and model of the complementary strand in the heteroduplex are in green, and the rest are colored as in Figure 1b. b, Number of particles that have 5’ (cyan) or 3’-tilted (purple-blue) tilted duplexes. c, Number of particles with S2-connected duplex pairs (duplexC series). d-j, Representative 3D refined classes that contain patchy heteroduplex density between the indicated S2-connected duplex pairs. The density and schematics, drawn as in Figure 1e, now also show the complementary strand in green. k, Overall (center) and close-up views of the class containing a continuous D-loop spanning RecAD-RecAG after 3D refinement. Charts are from a single data set.