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. 2021 Jul 30;9:682002. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.682002


Univariate and multivariate regression analysis of age, gender, and tumor stage.

coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
Age 0.011894 1.011965 0.008224 1.446 0.148
genderMALE –0.050014 0.951216 0.162323 –0.308 0.758
stageStage IA 0.219186 1.245063 1.044445 0.21 0.834
stageStage IB 0.158106 1.17129 1.043788 0.151 0.88
stageStage II 2.128962 8.406135 1.432179 1.487 0.137
stageStage IIA 1.243594 3.468057 1.051101 1.183 0.237
stageStage IIB 0.9751 2.651431 1.047535 0.931 0.352
stageStage IIIA 1.597291 4.939634 1.042318 1.532 0.125
stageStage IIIB 1.538441 4.657324 1.096495 1.403 0.161
stageStage IV 1.50713 4.51376 1.060871 1.421 0.155
P = 1.399e-08