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. 2021 Jul 31;63(4):725–739. doi: 10.5187/jast.2021.e74

Table 3. Improved sensory properties of the reduced-salt meat products derived using various strategies.

Main strategy Specific method1) Meat product Evaluated sensory items Sodium reduction References
NaCl replacement Replaced 0.2–0.8 g/100 g with CaCl2, MgCl2, KCl, potassium lactate, potassium phosphate, and glycine (Potassium lactate and glycine with replacement of 0.4 g of NaCl/100 g of meat) Corned beef Hedonic test
٠ Appearance, color, flavor, texture, acceptability
٠ Intensity items
٠ Saltiness2), juiciness, toughness, corned beef flavor, cured flavor, off-flavor
40.16% [61]
Replaced 0%, 25%, 30%, and 50% of refined salt with Soda-Lo® (50%) Cooked ham Significant difference 21.93% [62]
Deli type sausage Significant difference 30.07% [62]
Cooked turkey breast Significant difference 10% [62]
Replaced 0%–100% of salt with ArtisaltTM using high pressure and organic acids (InbacTM) (48% ArtisaltTM, 580 MPa, 0.3% InbacTM) Frankfurters Hedonic test
٠ Appearance, texture, flavor, juiciness, tenderness, saltiness, off-flavor, overall acceptability
48% [63]
Replaced 75% of salt with KCl with lysine, taurine, arginine, sodium inosinate + sodium guanylate, Bionis YE MXE NS, Bionis SFE 201, Purac NA4 (25% NaCl + 75% KCl + 3% lysine, 50% NaCl + 50% KCl + 5% Bionis YE MXE NS) Salted meat Hedonic test
٠ Color, aroma, flavor, texture, overall acceptance
17.49% and 22.23% [64]
Replaced 50% of NaCl with 1% edible seaweed (Himanthalia elongate) Frankfurters Hedonic test
٠ Overall acceptability, appearance2), aroma2), flavor, texture, color2)
35.76% [71]
NaCl reduction Added 0.2–1.0 g/100 g (0.4 g/100 g) Corned beef Hedonic test
٠ Appearance, color, flavor, texture, acceptability Intensity items
٠ Saltiness2), juiciness, toughness, corned beef flavor, cured flavor, off-flavor
40.16% [61]
Added 32 and 55 g of salt/kg of meat (32 g/kg) Dry-cured ham Quantitative descriptive analysis
٠ Appearance (color homogeneity, redness2), brightness, marbling2)), odor (matured), flavor/taste (saltiness2), bitterness, matured), texture (hardness2), fibrousness2), pastiness)
Hedonic test
٠ Overall quality2)
Consumer test2)
30.36% [65]
Added 3% and 6% of salt Blood dry-cured sausage Intensity test
٠ Color intensity, off-color, marbled, aroma intensity, off-aromas, hardness, fibrousness, succulence, flavor intensity, off-flavor2), salt perception2), overall acceptability2)
-3) [66]
Reduced 0%, 25%, and 50% of salt with ultrasound (50% with ultrasound) Restructured cooked ham Sensory acceptance
٠ Color2), taste, texture, global acceptance, purchase intention
28.22% [67]
Added 1.2% and 2% NaCl using pulsed electric field (1.2% with pulsed electric filed) Beef jerky Hedonic test
٠ Color, flavor, saltiness, tenderness2), overall acceptability
34.29% [68]
Added 0.75% and 1.5% NaCl using γ-ray, X-ray, E-beam (0.75% with X-ray) Emulsion sausage Hedonic test
٠ Color, flavor2), off-flavor, tenderness, juiciness2), saltiness2), overall acceptability2)
- [69]
Added 0%, 1%, and 2% of NaCl using high pressure (1% with 200 MPa) Chicken batter Hedonic test
٠ Appearance, flavor, texture, overall acceptability
- [70]

The highest salt concentration that indicates the control, and the suggested condition for reducing or replacing sodium chloride are presented in parentheses according to the references.


The sensory item of the suggested treatment was significantly different from that of the control (p < 0.05).


The sodium reduction amount was not expressed if this amount was not measured in the study.