Tuberous sclerosis complex (A and B). Case 1. Dichorionic diamniotic twin at 22 weeks 5 days' gestation. T2-weighted single-shot FSE image demonstrates hemimegalencephaly and marked enlargement of the ipsilateral GE, which merges with a hypointense masslike lesion in the enlarged right cerebral hemisphere. The fetus had left ventricular cardiac rhabdomyoma on prenatal sonography (arrow, B); the findings likely represent tuberous sclerosis complex with an associated hemispheric malformation or, less likely, coexistent subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. No postmortem data or confirmatory genetic testing was available. Case 8. T2 single-shot FSE at 25 weeks gestation (C) and T2 FSE at 1-week postnatal imaging (D) demonstrate mild enlargement of the right GE, ipsilateral and mild ventriculomegaly on fetal MR imaging, and typical changes of tuberous sclerosis complex postnatally. The fetus' father also had tuberous sclerosis complex.