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. 2021 Aug 2;12:685937. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.685937



Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis of the microbiota of pulp and larvae including all host species. (A) The microbiota of pulp and larvae exhibit a highly similar pattern among all host species. Grouping lines were drawn with the geom_encircle function of the ggalt package. (B) PERMANOVA comparisons among samples per origin (pulp, larva, and adult). P-values of the paired comparison resulting after running the PERMANOVA test are shown inside each square. Mangifera indica (Mi), C. x aurantium (Ca), Casimiroa edulis (Ce), C. greggii (Cg), Capsicum pubescens (Cp), and Prunus persica (Pp).