Qualifier stage |
Round |
1 |
“This house believes that clinicians should aim to preserve the canals rather than performing aggressive preparation to achieve ‘cleaner’ canals.” |
2 |
“This house believes that the ‘Initial binding file’ technique to determine the canal width should be replaced with Weine’s three-sizes rule.” |
3 |
“This house believes that clinical endodontic education & practice in dental schools in Jordan should be entirely rotary-oriented, instead of the current hand filing techniques.” |
Semifinal stage |
1 |
“This house believes that any carious lesion at any stage of its progression can be arrested.” |
2 |
“This house supports using the approach of selective caries removal to soft dentine in deeply cavitated lesions.” |
Final stage |
“This house believes that dentists should only conduct interventions that are feasible for the patient.” |