Table 6.
Comments received from the open-ended portion of the survey regarding the VR technology, the instructions given during the individual sessions, and its utility in anatomy education
Feedback received from subjects | |
How the VR training module could be improved? | |
Drawing tool 1. Automatically change colors as you move from one muscle to the next. The student could click a box or something indicating that they are done with one muscle then the color could change automatically. 2. Eraser tool rather than undo button 3. A differently style of tip would make it easier to visualize exactly where I am drawing. 4. The paint automatically "sticking" to the bone where you want it to 5. I think the size change feature for the brush could be a little better. The brush strokes were very big even after I tried to change them. | |
Controllers 1. The location of the buttons on the controllers in the virtual reality could have better matched with their location in reality 2. More time to get used to the controls | |
Simulations 1. When trying to draw lines from the muscle names to muscles it would be helpful if the muscles would light up to ensure the correct connection is being made, like it does with the names. 2. A feature where you can "fade" muscles to help learn and draw superficial vs. intermediate vs. deep muscles | |
Training module 1. It was terrific but having more muscles to draw would be great. 2. I wish that some structures had been labeled before hand (i.e., intraspinous fossa) before i got to the drawing portion. Because I couldn't recall what the intraspinous was or where it was located and had no way to look it up in the program while I was in it 3. It would be nice if it also pointed out the exact location for some things like the greater tubercle. 4. I just needed more time with the VR to learn how to use it more effectively. | |
How instructions could be improved? | |
Drawing instructions 1. More clarification on how close to get to the skeleton to draw on the bones 2. For the drawing portion, I wasn't sure how close to the skeleton I should go so there could be some clarification on that. 3. It would be helpful if we are told we can go directly up to the structure itself and draw directly on it. 4. Describing how the dimensions for drawing work. | |
Suggestions on how VR can be used in improving anatomy instruction? | |
Supplement to current anatomy curriculum 1. Using VR every non-lab day to review the lab dissection would be very helpful. 2. This should be a tool offered to us. It is extremely helpful. Since this was our first session the results might be limited because we were still adjusting to the VR technology 4. Making it available after lab would be a great idea 5. Maybe during lecture the professor can use the VR to help show 3D relationships and project them on the screen for students to see. 6. If we cannot gain access as students, video record the correct filling in and make video viewable to students 7. VR would be very helpful to supplement the lectures and dissection portion because it forces you to draw your way through the structures 8. Drawing out the structures definitely helps get an idea of where all of the attachments are. If students had the option to do a simulation as part of the course I think it would be helpful. 9. I believe it would be a great addition to our SMS class. It helped me clarify what areas in Anatomy I should focus on such as insertion and origin of muscles. 10. Having VR technology in designated rooms as a resource for students to use. Perhaps students can book an appointment such as through the SIM center during working hours but it could be open 24/7 after working hours (depends on numbers of VR controllers) 11. It would be very beneficial for independent studying 12. Could be used in a number of system blocks 13. It would be great if we could have a personal VR where we can move around and look at the muscle and identify them, have quizzes, can see nerves and arteries. Basically like complete anatomy but the VR version of it. 14. Weekly sessions in VR at end of week to review spatial relationships/solidify what we learn during dissection 15. Supplement to anatomy lab. As a lab students can sign up to use/study with 16. I think it should be provided for students to study from after lecture and lab because it’s definitely more beneficial for those who do not have much experience in anatomy. 17. I think in terms of studying just having VR headsets available for use where students can book time if needed would be very helpful. | |
Replacing lecture 1. It would be a good study tool or in place or some lectures | |
Learning anatomy concepts 1. I think this would be an amazing tool for understanding the 3d features of anatomy and elucidate the actions of each muscle in context to their attachments 2. It can help students understand the connections between all of the structures. Its extremely beneficial for the entire anatomy course because you are physically applying the knowledge you learn in class to the VR program. As well as strengthening material you are unsure of by utilizing the drawings and seeing the connections. 3. It’s useful to visualize all the parts especially in terms of what is deep to what. |