Summary use of the 4‐point response categories across CADICEE items, in percentages
Response categories | Range across all 24 items: min‐max | Overall mean use per item (SD) | Mean use (SD) for items assessing needs vs experience of care, respectively | P * |
(1) Not at all | 0%‐24.4% | 4.7% (4.6) | 6.5% (6.3) vs 3.3% (1.5) | .037 |
(2) Very little | 2.4%‐35.8% | 11.6% (7.4) | 8.2% (4.6) vs 14.5% (8.2) | .039 |
(3) Moderately | 21.5%‐52.4% | 39.4% (9.4) | 33.6% (9.3) vs 44.3% (6.3) | .004 |
(4) Very much | 21.5%‐70.3% | 39.7% (13.9) | 47.4% (15.5) vs 33.1% (8.3) | .016 |
Mann‐Whitney U test, two‐tailed exact P‐values.