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. 2021 Mar 7;3(1):vdab003. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdab003

Table 2.

Overview of Included AA PET Studies

Study Tracer and Study Type Number of Patients Chemotherapy Agents Used in Recurrence OCEBM Level of Evidence Measurements Results and Conclusions
Hutterer et al., 201113 Static FET
11 BEV + IR 4 PFS
OS (rOS)
Tumor reduction
FET-PET detected BEV-treatment failure earlier than RANO criteria with MRI alone, with a mean time benefit of 9 weeks
- AUC-ROC curve for PFS using tumor volume reduction was 0.875 ± 0.117 with a sensitivity of 87.5% and specificity of 100%
- FET responders had longer PFS than RANO responders, but not significantly
- FET volumes decreased in long-term survivors (PFS ≥ 6 months) but increased in short-term survivors (PFS< 6 months)
- Contrast-enhancement on MRI does not always correspond to areas of metabolically active tumor with FET-PET
Harris et al., 201228 Static F-DOPA
24 BEV +/- IR 4 PFS
F-DOPA-PET stratified patients by short-term and long-term survival
- Analyzed PRMs corresponding to regions of pretreatment contrast enhancement on MRI
- PRMs with increased F-DOPA uptake stratified patients by 3-month PFS and 6-month OS, with increased uptake corresponding to shorter PFS and OS (sensitivity of 75%, specificity of 70%)
- When comparing 2 post-BEV treatment PET scans, an increased volume fraction of F-DOPA uptake stratified patients by short- and long-term PFS and OS (sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 83%)
Galldiks et al., 201311 Static and Dynamic FET
10 BEV + IR 3 PFSOS (tOS)
Tumor reduction
Static and dynamic FET predicted BEV-treatment failure earlier than what was reported by Hutterer et al., with a median of 4.9 weeks and a mean time benefit of 10.5 weeks
- Changes in TBRmax greater than 17% differentiated responders (PFS greater than 6 mos) from nonresponders with a sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 100%
- Response on FET had sig longer PFS than nonresponders (9 vs 3 mos) and OS (23 mos vs 3.5 mos)
- Mean FET tumor volumes decreased in long term survivors but unchanged in short term survivors
Differentiated responders from nonresponders by characterizing TTP and kinetic patterns
- TTP at baseline could differentiate responders and nonresponders with an AUC of 1.0 and sensitivity and specificity of 100%
- Shorter TTP at baseline and follow-up in nonresponders
- Nonresponders more likely to have an early peak of FET uptake than a constant descent (Type 3 kinetic pattern)
Proposed BEV-response is suggested if 2 of 3 criteria are met:
  1. Increase of TTP ≥ 10 min at follow-up  2. TTP ≥ 25 min at baseline
 3. Type 1 (SUV peaks at the end) or 2 kinetics (SUV peaks at least half-way through and plateaus or has slow descent)
Wardak et al., 201430 Dynamic F-DOPA
21 BEV + IR 3 PFS
Looking at dynamic parameters can provide predictive information of OS after BEV
- The average PFS and OS was 183 days and 13.2 months, respectively
- OS and PFS significantly correlated (r = 0.85, P < .0001)
- FLT more predictive of OS than F-DOPA (Multiple Linear Regression = R2 = 0.83 for both, R2 = 0.82 for FLT alone)
Schwarzenberg et al., 201420 Static F-DOPA
30 BEV +/- IR 3 PFS
F-DOPA PET at 2 weeks was statistically significant of distinguishing treatment response to antiangiogenic therapy with the PET parameter MTV
- F-DOPA PET SUV parameters were not predictive of outcomes
- MTV was highly prognostic and predictive of treatment response, most significantly at 2 weeks with an OS (P < .0001) and PFS (P = .001)
- ROC curve identified 18 mL as the optimal threshold for MTV
Garcia et al., 201512 Static MET
Case report
1 BEV NA SUV Pseudoprogression evident on MRI after BEV
- MRI demonstrated increased lesion size after initiation of BEV-MET-PET demonstrated normalization of metabolic activity
Beppu et al., 20167 Static MET
Pilot study
MET-PET at 8 weeks differentiated pseudoresponders from true responders after BEV and is correlated with PFS
- MRI-response at 4 and 8 weeks is associated with longer PFS
- 20% of MRI-responders were reclassified as pseudoresponse by MET-PET at 8 weeks
- MET-PET alone and in addition to MRI at 8 weeks predicts longer PFS, but not at 4 weeks
- Lower SUVT/N at 8 weeks versus baseline was associated with longer PFS than increased SUVT/N
Fleischmann et al., 201725 Static and Dynamic FETRetrospective 57a BEV 4 OS (PRS)
TTPmin in dynamic FET-PET may be used for prognosis in rHGG treated with radiation and BEV
- Earlier TTPmin is associated with shorter PRS (P = .027)
- Time from pretreatment PET to initiation of radiation and BEV significantly affected TTPmin
- Suggest rHGG with decreasing TAC may be evaluated using TTPmin for spatial characterization of aggressive tumor regions
Deuschl et al., 201726 Static C-MET Prospective 11 BEV +/- LOM 3 PFS OS
Suggested a method for determining treatment response to BEV using PET/MRI: if T/N ratio on PET is greater than 1.6, then response is determined by decrease in T/N ratio of 25%. If T/N is less than 1.6, use RANO guidelines
- MRI: 0/11 Complete response, 6/11 partial response, 4/11 stable disease, 1/11 progressive disease
- PET: 4/6 partial responders on MRI were metabolic responders on C-MET PET; 2/4 of stable disease on MRI were responders on C-MET PET; 4 PET nonresponders including 2 cases of pseudoresponse (MRI and PET discordant)
- PFS and OS was predicted by reduction of T/N of greater than 25% on C-MET and the RANO classification of tumor response on MRI
Galldiks et al., 201824 Static F-FET Prospective 21 BEV + LOM 3 TBR
Both relative change in MTV and absolute MTV on F-FET at follow-up after BEV predicted long term survival >9 months.
- Patients were considered responders to BEV/LOM if they survived >9 months
- Median OS of responders versus nonresponders was 12 and 6 months, respectively
- Response on FET-PET significantly predicted OS greater than 9 months (P < .05), however, MRI results at 10 weeks did not predict an OS greater than 9 months (P = .203)
- Reduction of TBRmax of FET-PET by 27% or a reduction of TBR by 17% distinguished responders from nonresponders.
- Patients with MTV less than 5 mL survived significantly longer with average OS of 11 months than those who had a larger tumor volume on follow-up—median of 6 months (P < .001).
George et al., 201823 Static F-FET
11 BEV 3 PFS
TBR (Voxel-wise Spearman correlation coefficient)
Concluded that there is moderate correlation between FET PET uptake and MRI contrast enhancement after BEV
- PFS and OS after BEV was 111 days and 223 days, respectively
- The voxel-wise Spearman correlation coefficient between FET uptake and T2/FLAIR signal intensity was 0.65 before BEV and 0.61 after BEV (P = .256).
- Increased correlation between PET uptake and MRI enhancement after BEV was associated with lower PFS (P < .001) and OS (P = .049).
- Post-treatment to pretreatment PET uptake ratio greater than 0.7 was associated with lower PFS and OS.
Bashir et al., 201922 Static F-FET
50a BEV 4 OS
F-FET PET can distinguish post-treatment changes to BEV from tumor recurrence at 6-month follow-up, and predictive of OS
- No significant difference found with F-FET uptakes between measurable and nonmeasurable lesions (TBRmax, 3.0 vs 3.2; TBRmean, 2.0 vs 2.0; and BTV 12 cm3 vs 10.5 cm3; P > .05)
- ROC curve threshold of 2.0 for TBRmax, 1.8 for TBRmean, and 0.55 cm3 for BTV in differentiating between recurrence or treatment changes with a sensitivity of 99% and specificity of 94% (P < .0001)
- F-FET parameters are higher in patients with recurrent glioblastoma versus post-treatment changes (TBRmax, 3.2 vs 1.6; TBR mean, 2.0 vs 1.6; and BTV 14.8 cm3 vs 0.01 cm3; P < .0001)
- Increased BTV correlated with lower OS
- 99% accuracy to distinguish recurrence from late post-treatment changes
Beppu et al., 201927 Static C-MET Prospective 24 BEV + TMZ 3 PFS
SUVT/N obtained with C-MET PET was more predictive of PFS in patients with rHGG treated with BEV at 8 weeks compared to T/N found using average relative cerebral blood flow from arterial spin labeling
- Median PFS was 123 days
- Changes in T/N ratios and tumor volumes on ASL significantly correlated to changes on C-MET PET after treatment of rHGG with BEV.
- Long PFS could be predicted by T/N ratio at 8 weeks on C-MET and the change in T/N from baseline to 4 weeks follow-up on C-MET and ASL
Humbert et al., 201929 Static F-DOPA
Clinical trial and Prospective
12 BEV NA SUV Demonstrated the application of F-DOPA PET and MRI in tumor board discussions to implement decisions regarding patient treatment plans
- 33.3% cases of suspected tumor recurrence had changed diagnosis and treatment plan with inclusion of F-DOPA PET results

ASL = arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging; AUC = area under the curve; BEV = bevacizumab; BTV = biological tumor volume; C-MET = [11C]MET; F-DOPA = [18F]FDOPA; F-FET = [18F]FET; IR = irinotecan; LOM = lomustine; MLR = multiple linear regression; MTV = metabolic tumor volumes; NA = not applicable; OCEBM = Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine; OS = overall survival; PFS = progression-free survival; PRM = parametric response map; PRS = post-recurrence survival; rHGG = recurrent high-grade glioma; ROC = receiver operating characteristic; rOS = recurrent OS; SUV = standardized uptake value; TAC = time activity curve; TBR = tumor-to-background ratio; TMZ = temozolomide; tOS = total OS; TTP = time to peak; VOI = volume of interest.

aNumber of patients indicates number treated with bevacizumab, not necessarily all patients analyzed in study.