Identification of RA
as a potent amylin amyloid inhibitor. (A)
Identification of RA as strong amylin amyloid inhibitor from a natural
product library enriched with catechol-containing compounds, a class
of broad amyloid inhibitors we recently discovered, using a ThT fluorescence-based
screening. EGCG was used as a positive control. Amylin concentration
was 5 μM, and the molar ratio of compound to amylin was 2:1.
Chemical structure of RA is shown. (B) TEM images of human amylin
amyloid with and without inhibitor treatment (1:20 amylin/drug molar
ratio). Mature fibrils and amorphous aggregates are indicated by the
red and blue arrows, respectively. Buffer treatment sample served
as control (100% mature fibril). RA treatment resulted in an estimated
50% mature fibrils and 50% amorphous aggregates, whereas treatment
with EGCG, a known strong inhibitor, resulted in similar partial fibrils
and partial amorphous aggregates.