Structural analogues of C8 exhibit variable potency against AID,
A3A, A3B, and A3G. Each panel measured catalytic activity in the presence
of C8, C8.5, or C8.12. (A) Bacterially expressed and purifiedGST-AID.
(B) Eukaryotic-expressed AID in whole 293T cell lysate. (C) Eukaryotic-expressed
native untagged AID in whole 293T cell lysate. (D) Eukaryotic-expressed
and purified GST-A3A. (E) Eukaryotic-expressed and purified GST-A3B.
(F) Eukaryotic-expressed and purified GST-A3G. (G) Eukaryotic-expressed
native untagged A3A in 293T cell lysate. (H) List of C8, C8.5, and
C8.12 IC50 values across each enzyme. All experiments used
140 mM DMSO as a negative control, designating 100% enzyme activity.
All AID reactions were performed at 37 °C for 2–4 h at
pH 7.2 using 2 nM of the standard bubble oligonucleotide substrate
TGCbub7. GST-A3A, GST-A3B, GST-A3F, and GST-A3G reactions were incubated
at 37 °C for 2 h in pH 5.5 for A3A/B and pH 6.0 for A3G/F using
2 nM of standard single-stranded oligonucleotide substrates containing
a single target TTCA motif for A3A, A3B, and A3F and a single target
CCC motif for A3G.