Influence of YmoA on the synthesis of CsrA and the Csr-type RNAs of Y. pseudotuberculosis. (A) Illustration of potential YmoA influence on RovM synthesis via the CsrABC system. (B) Whole-cell extracts from overnight cultures of Y. pseudotuberculosis wild-type and mutant strain YP50 (ΔymoA) transformed with pACYC184 (V) or pAKH71 (ymoA+) grown at 25°C were prepared and analyzed by Western blotting with as a polyclonal antibody directed against CsrA YP50 (ΔymoA). YP53 (ΔcsrA) was used a negative control, and an unspecifically detected protein (c) served as loading control. (C,D) Total RNA of Y. pseudotuberculosis YPIII and YP50 (ΔymoA) carrying the empty vector pAKH85 (V) and YP50 pAKH71 (pymoA+), YP51 (ΔcsrB) and YP48 (ΔcsrC) was prepared, separated on agarose gels and a CsrB- or CsrC-specific probe was used to detect CsrB (C) or CsrC (D) by Northern blotting. The 16S rRNAs are shown as RNA loading control. Used RNA marker is indicated on the left.