The high levels of serum 24S-HC predicted poor behavioral
outcomes. The HI-injured mice showed increased anxiety in
OF test (a, n = 10 for sham, n = 18 for HI,
*p < 0.0001), worse NOR memory (e, *p < 0.0001), and
deficits in motor coordination function measured by
rotarod test (h, *p < 0.0001). The learning ability was
not altered in the HI animals (d). The serum levels of
24S-HC at 6 h (b, f, and i) and 24 h (c, g, and j) were
negatively correlated with the performance in the three
behavioral tests. The animal numbers, spearman
rs, and p values were listed in the
individual panels. For each comparison, the significant
level α was specified at 0.05/3 = 0.017 after Bonferroni
correction. 24S-HC: 24S-hydroxycholesterol; HI:
hypoxia-ischemia; OF: open field; NOR: novel object