Table 1.
Fit Indices for the 5 Different Factor Models of the SPQ-C (N = 447)
Model | χ 2 (df) | CFI | TLI | RMSEA (90% CI) | P | WRMR | AIC (χ 2 − 2df) |
1. Single factor | 445.682 (209) | .915 | .906 | .050 (.044–.057) | .457 | 1.231 | 27.682 |
2. Two factors Positive vs Negative | 432.866 (208) | .919 | .910 | .049 (.043–.056) | .573 | 1.211 | 16.866 |
3. Original 3 factorsa Cog, Int, and Dis | 348.109 (206) | .949 | .943 | .039 (.032–.046) | .995 | 1.066 | −63.891 |
4. Modified 3 factorsb Cog, Int, and Dis | 314.782 (202) | .959 | .953 | .035 (.028–.043) | 1.00 | 0.998 | −89.218 |
5. Bifactorc Cog, Int, Dis,General | 230.593 (187) | .984 | .981 | .023 (.010–.032) | 1.00 | 0.809 | −143.407 |