Do you ever have occasions when you cannot control your flatus (wind?) |
•No, never |
0 points |
•Yes, less than once per week |
4 points |
•Yes, at least once per week |
7 points |
Do you ever have any accidental leakage of liquid stool? |
•No, never |
0 points |
•Yes, less than once per week |
3 points |
•Yes, at least once per week |
3 points |
How often do you open your bowels? |
•More than 7 times per day (24 h) |
4 points |
•4–7 times per day (24 h) |
2 points |
•1–3 times per day (24 h) |
0 points |
•Less than once per day (24 h) |
5 points |
Do you ever have to open your bowels again within 1 h of the last bowel opening? |
•No, never |
0 points |
•Yes, less than once per week |
9 points |
•Yes, at least once per week |
11 points |
Do you ever have such a strong urge to open your bowels that you have to rush to the toilet? |
•No, never |
0 points |
•Yes, less than once per week |
11 points |
•Yes, at least once per week |
16 points |
Total Score: |
Interpretation: |
0–20, No LARS |
21–29, Minor LARS |
30–42, Major LARS |