FIG. 3.
Electrical signaling of glioma cells. (a) The current noise spectrum of fresh C6 glioma cells is represented in black. In red, the current noise spectrum is illustrated after adding 1 μM of TTX for 50 min. The blue trace represents the current noise spectrum after the inhibitor washout process. Measurement was taken 90 min after inhibitor washout. The dashed black curve in the bottom is a guide to the eye representing the proportionality of 1/f1.5 suggesting residual activity of other channels within the measured cells. Reproduced from Ref.16 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. (b) Time evolution of the current noise of C6 glioma cells. (c) Current noise spectra of C6 glioma cells upon adding PcTX-1, up to a concentration of 100 nM in acidified cell culture medium. The black line represents the original state. The red line is recorded after adding PcTX-1 to a concentration of only 100 nM. The blue curve represents the recovery plot after washing thrice. Reproduced from Ref.17 with permission from Science Advances. PcTX-1, psalmotoxin-1; TTX, tetrodotoxin.