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. 2020 Jun 17;2(2):120–149. doi: 10.1089/bioe.2020.0021

Table 3.

Nanoengineered Electroconductive Scaffolds for Neural Tissue Regeneration

Type of conductive scaffolds Composition Fabrication technique Measurement device Cellular type Properties (with focus on electrical properties and requirements) Disadvantages and future directions Ref.
Composite hydrogel OPF/CNTs/GO Covalent embedding 34461A digital multimeter PC-12 cells (cells from rat's pheochromocytoma), Rattus norvegicus, adrenal gland of rat A synergistic effect of electrical conductivity and positive charges on nerve cells was observed
Conductivity values of (3.16 ± 1.39) × 10−4 S/m for pure OPF hydrogel, (6.24 ± 2.70) × 10−4 S/m for OPF-MTAC hydrogel, and (2.96 ± 1.86) × 10−3 S/m for OPF-rGO-CNTpega hydrogel were reposted
Enhanced proliferation and spreading of PC12 cells
Great potential as conduits for neural tissue engineering
NGF was used to stimulate the cells effectively
3D printed scaffold PPy–polycaprolactone EHD jet 3D printing process Conductivity meter (pH/Ion meter S220) hESC-NCSCs PPy/PCL scaffolds possess conductivity ranging from 0.28 to 1.15 mS/cm depending on concentration of PPy
The conductivity value for the PCL/PPy (1% v/v), which showed the most maturation of hESC-NCSCs was about 1.02 ± 0.03 mS/cm
The most attachment and differentiation of hESC-NCSCs to peripheral neurons was observed on PCL/PPy (1% v/v)
Potential treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, however no in vivo studies were executed in this study
Composite microporous tube PVDF–PCL Cast/annealing-solvent displacement method PFM suing AFM RSCs Electroconductive PVDF/PCL scaffolds have a positive effect on myelination, axon regeneration, as well as angiogenesis, which all contribute to nerve regeneration and attenuates muscle denervation Implanted PVDF/PCL scaffolds into the 15-mm defect rat sciatic nerve model 83
Hybrid/composite POSS–PCL–Graphene Simple blending, sonication, and casting EIS Neonatal Wistar rat SCs The percolation threshold occurred at 0.08 wt% graphene
At 4.0 wt% the electrical conductivity exceeded 10−4 S/cm
Conductivity values were reported as 8.76 × 10−14 S/cm, 3.47 × 10−11 S/cm, 1.49 × 10−7, and 9.34 × 10−5 for pristine POSS-PCL, and POSS-PCL incorporated with 0.4, 1.6, 4 wt% graphene, respectively
OSS-PCL/graphene nanocomposites showed higher metabolic activity and cell proliferation in comparison with pristine POSS-PCL 84
Microribbons PLGA–Graphene Wet spinning Four-point probe electrical station Human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y Conductivity value of 0.15 ± 0.01 μS/m for pristine PLGA, while incorporation of 1 wt% Gr nanosheets induced a conductivity of 0.42 ± 0.03 S/m Lack of in vivo studies that show these PLGA/Graphene microribbons can stimulate neural stem cell function 85
3D Braided filaments SF-PCL-CNFs Home-made coating system Impedance analyzer N2a mouse neural crest-derived cell By increasing the CNF in the coating, the electrical impedance decreased up to 400 Ω
The lowest impedance of 316 ± 3.42 Ω/mm was observed for the highest concentration of CNFs at a frequency of 20 MHz
Lack of in vivo studies
Potential use for successful regeneration of a 15–20 cm nerve gap
Hybrid electrospun scaffold PHA–Graphene –gold nanoparticles Electrospinning NA PC-12 cells and SCs Conductivity measurements were not performed PHA–RGO–Au scaffolds prominently endorsed SCs proliferation and migration
No data on the conductivity values of the scaffolds were reported
Lack of enough data to conclude the ability of the engineered scaffolds in peripheral nerve regeneration
Hybrid nanocomposite scaffold PVDF–GO Nonsolvent induced phase separation method EIS-ARSTAT 2273, Rat neuronal PC-12 cells Incorporation of GO nanosheets into the PVDF scaffold simultaneously enhanced β-phase fraction, piezoelectricity, and electrical conductivity
Incorporation of 1 wt% GO into PVDF, reduced impedance value from 804.6 ± 53.4 to 105.7 ± 32.45 Ω
PVDF–GO scaffolds significantly promoted PC12 cell proliferation, compared with pristine PVDF scaffold 88
CNT-based scaffolds Graphene sheets Chemical vapor deposition, Electric arc discharge, Laser ablation Single-cell patch clamp recording Neurons (PC-12 cells) Sheets of graphene formed into cylinders that can be single walled, double walled, and multiwalled 71
Neural interfaces formed as a microchip on a quartz substrate using plasma etching and photolithography
Flexibility and bioconductivity
CNT-based scaffolds used as substrates for neural cell growth
Lack of solubility in aqueous media;
Surface modification with hydrophilic molecules is the method used to overcome this disadvantage89
Substrate-bound transistors and electrodes Silicon nanowires and graphene Evaporation STM Neurons There are three terminals for transistors: source, drain, gate
Electric field is generated by voltage applied to the gate92
An electrically neutral area is required around transistors and microelectrodes and also a cascade of enzymes to transmit signals93
Tumor enhancement for imaging through transferring excitatory stimuli
Electroactivity of different molecules in the brain that can interfere with microelectrodes and sensors; Nafion barriers are used to decrease impulse interfering93 69

CNFs, carbon nanofibers; EHD, electrohydrodynamic; GO, graphene oxide; hESC-NCSCs, human embryonic stem cell-derived neural crest stem cells; N2a, neuro 2A; NPF, nerve growth factor; PFM, piezoresponse force microscopy; PHA, polyhydroxyl alkanoate; POSS, polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane; OPF, oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate); RSCs, rat Schwann cells; SCs, Schwann cells; SF, silk fibroin; STM, scanning tunneling microscope.