a, Cryo-EM density of Msv nucleosome at two different thresholds showing the flexibility of the DNA ends in the Msv nucleosome. Two different views of the Coulomb map at contouring level of 6.5 sigma (top) and 5 sigma (bottom). At a lower contouring, the full length of the DNA (147 bp) is still visible but only 121 bp are stabilized and coordinates can be assigned. The map is color coded as in Fig. 1. b, Close up of the model and cryo-EM map fitting of specific contacts between the Hδ-Hγ connector and the DNA. c, Overview of the Hβ-Hα DNA interface. d, Comparison of interactions between Hβ-Hα with DNA (left) and H2B and H2A with DNA (right). e, Interactions of Hδ-Hγ with the DNA (left) and H3 and H4 with the DNA (right). Human nucleosome (PDB ID 5AV9).