Table 2.
Symptoms (āSā)
S0 | No symptoms of a PeVD (no renal, pelvic, or extrapelvic symptoms) |
S1 | Renal symptoms of venous origin |
S2 | Chronic pelvic pain of venous origin |
S3 | Extrapelvic symptoms of venous origin |
a | Localized symptoms (pain, discomfort, tenderness, itching, bleeding and superficial venous thrombosis) associated with veins of the external genitalia (vulva and scrotum) |
b | Localized symptoms associated with pelvic origin nonsaphenous veins of the leg. These include those related to pelvic origin varices of the posteromedial thigh (pain, discomfort, tenderness, itching, superficial venous thrombosis) as well as those related to sciatic/tibial nerve varices (pain, paresthesias). More generalized lower extremity symptoms and signs, such as heaviness and swelling, are classified with CEAP not SVP.* |
c | Venous claudication.* |
PeVD, Pelvic venous disorder; SVP, symptoms-Varices-Pathophysiology.
*Must include CEAP classification for full characterization of lower extremity symptoms.