Figure 2.
Case study of 7-day weekly seizure cycle and 8.5-day heart rate cycle showing that seizures were not modulated by weekly behaviour. (A) 8-week seizure diary showing days that seizures occurred, suggesting a weekly seizure cycle. (B) 8.5-day heart rate cycle of the same period as (a), with seizures shown in green. Seizures tend to occur on the rising phase of the cycle, with a few exceptions. (C,D) Polar plots demonstrating the location of seizures with respect to the 7-day seizure (red) and 8.5-day heart rate cycle (green) after two months and 35 seizures. Seizures were more strongly locked to the 7-day week. (E,F) Polar plots demonstrating seizure timing on the seizure and heart rate cycle after 15 months and 245 seizures. Seizures were no longer locked to the weekly cycle but remained strongly locked to the 8.5-day heart rate cycle. SI, Synchronisation index value with significance according to Omnibus test (***p <= 0.001).