Table 1.
Category | Sub-Category | Concepts |
1. Access Factors |
Travel distance to healthcare facility Medication availability Lack of screening programs Physician Access |
While pharmacies are more accessible, they are far more expensive than clinics (n = 8) There are extensive distances to travel to the clinic (n = 4) Hospitals are often out of stock (n = 3) Pharmacies will not sell shorter doses to decrease price (n = 1) There is no culture of screening, so people do not go (n = 9) There are no screening programs in place (n = 8) There are many barriers to even being seen by a physician, including a lack of specialists (n = 4) There is a shortage of physicians (n = 3) |
2. Cost Factors |
Affordability of medications High cost of healthcare screening |
Medications are too expensive to buy (n = 25) No reduced cost for senior citizens as cited in the national health insurance schemes (n = 9) Taxes make medications more expensive (n = 2) People cannot be screened or properly check their BP due to high cost (n = 6) |
3. Physician Factors |
Poor counseling Lack of time to provide patient centered care Physician knowledge |
Need sufficient counseling on prevention (n = 1) Do not inform patients how long they will be treated (n = 1) Physicians are distracted and not patient focused (n = 5) There is insufficient time for physicians to counsel (n = 3) Physicians are not educated enough on hypertension (n = 2) |
4. Patient Factors |
Lack of education and understanding about disease Stop taking the medicine Forgetting to take medicines Lifestyle Habits Role of religion |
Patients do not have an understanding of hypertension (n = 15) Actively choose not to take medicines (n = 5) Patients do not even know they have hypertension (n = 3) Patients do not know severity of their disease (n = 3) Patients stop taking medicine once they feel better (n = 8) Patients get tired of taking medicine, so they will only occasionally take it or not take it at all (n = 5) Without seeing improvement, they stop medications (n = 2) Accidently forget to take medicines (n = 3) Elderly populations forget to take medicines (n = 3) Healthy food does not taste as good “Choose a less healthy lifestyle due to convenience or taste” (n = 6) People do not know how to maintain a healthy lifestyle (n = 2) It is very difficult to follow lifestyle advice (n = 3) The disease was sent by God (n = 1) Believe in letting God cure them (n = 3) |
5. Medication Factors |
Side Effects Herbal Medicines Prescription complexity |
Patients are scared of side effects (n = 3) Misconceptions about side effects (n = 2) Side effects are too severe to continue taking medicine (n = 5) Utilize herbal medicines as replacements (n = 10) Polypharmacy is difficult for patients (n = 2) |