Fig 3. Standardized Z-scores of SNPs from EUR and EAS GWAS classified into different LD and MAF groups.
SNPs with P-values < 5 ×10−8 in either EUR_2015 or the EAS GWAS were included. (A) Low EAS/High EUR LD: SNPs with ldiff less than its 33% quantile; Similar EAS/EUR LD: SNPs with ldiff between its 33% and 67% quantiles; High EAS/Low EUR LD: SNPs with ldiff larger than its 67% quantile. (B) Low EAS/high EUR MAF: SNPs with MAFdiff,j less than its 33% quantile, similar EAS/EUR MAF: SNPs with MAFdiff,j between its 33% and 67% quantiles, and high EAS/low EUR MAF: SNPs with MAFdiff,j larger than its 67% quantile. The black dashed line is the slope of the fitted line of standardized Z score in EAS over standardized Z score in EUR with all SNPs included; the red/blue/green lines are fitted lines of standardized Z score in EAS over standardized Z score in EUR for SNPs in corresponding LD group or MAF group.