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. 2021 Jul 10;20(8):e13429. doi: 10.1111/acel.13429


The altered expression of marker genes for various brain cell types in the hippocampi of wild‐type and AppNL−F/NL−F mice fed an RD or HFD

Cell type Marker gene Relative expression (% RD‐fed wild‐type mice)
HFD‐fed wild‐type RD‐fed AppNL−F/NL−F HFD‐fed AppNL−F/NL−F
Astrocyte Aqp4 96.42 120.13 107.82
Gfap 102.86 115.10 128.01
Glul 99.98 107.68 108.20
S100b 94.57 110.69 107.27
Slc1a1 99.27 104.44 104.10
Slc1a2 98.19 109.86 99.00
Mean 98.55 111.32 109.07
SD 2.88 5.57 9.90
Oligodendrocyte Mag 112.78 103.41 124.33
Mbp 107.55 108.34 111.51
Mog 110.97 98.34 115.80
Sox10 111.30 102.11 109.95
Mean 110.65 103.05 115.40
SD 2.21 4.13 6.45
Microglia Aif1 100.60 98.21 94.12
C1qa 121.59 130.97 139.62
C1qb 116.39 120.24 132.32
Cd68 128.68 145.24 165.39
Itgam 98.89 96.71 104.91
Lgals3 102.29 98.30 108.48
Ptprc 117.32 108.44 145.07
Mean 112.25 114.02 127.13
SD 11.64 18.83 25.49
NSC/NPC Ascl1 99.32 112.66 110.23
Bmp4 111.59 127.28 160.18
Dcx 105.75 119.54 96.37
Egf 94.50 101.41 104.82
Igf2 150.47 148.18 156.45
Notch2 123.84 113.32 99.78
Nr2e1 101.36 95.07 94.97
Shh 110.79 104.09 109.80
Sox2 98.13 106.47 94.87
Mean 110.64 114.22 114.16
SD 17.38 16.00 25.72
Neuron Chga 95.33 101.57 103.23
Eno2 92.32 92.81 93.68
Nefh 88.86 103.59 91.82
Nefl 92.69 100.71 100.92
Nefm 88.67 110.27 99.87
Rbfox3 94.75 90.48 93.11
Snap25 94.34 102.92 100.44
Syp 99.25 96.42 100.41
Syt1 96.74 99.58 97.54
Tubb2a 92.63 86.51 94.41
Mean 93.56 98.49 97.54
SD 2.95 8.61 2.69

Significantly altered genes vs. RD‐fed wild‐type mice (eBayes ANOVA: p < 0.05) are underlined.

Abbreviations: HFD, high‐fat diet; NPC, neural progenitor cell; NSC, neural stem cell; RD, regular diet.