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Table 1. Demographic profile of patients with Pseudomonas spp. infections.

Parameter No of Pseudomonas spp. isolated (n=150), n (%)
Age groups
    <10 years 11 (7.3)
    10-19 years 13 (8.7)
    20-29 years 24 (16)
    30-39 years 43 (28.7)
    40-49 years 18 (12)
    50-59 years 11 (7.3)
    ≥60 years 30 (20)
    Male 74 (49.3)
    Female 76 (50.7)
Hospital stay
    Recent admission (<4 weeks) 60 (40)
    No recent admission (>4 weeks) 90 (60)
Invasive medical device
    IV/catheter use 54 (36)
    No IV/catheter use 96 (64)
Drug use
    No antibiotic use 123 (82)
    Antibiotic use 27 (18)
    No comorbidity 102 (68)
    Comorbidity 48 (32)
Type of clinical specimen
    Wound swab 66 (44.0)
    Urine 45 (30.0)
    Blood 10 (6.7)
    Ear swab 12 (8.0)
    Pus 3 (2.0)
    Eye swab 2 (1.3)
    Aspirate 3 (2.0)
    Urethral swab 3 (2.0)
    Pleural fluid 2 (1.3)
    Catheter tip 2 (1.3)
    Sputum 1 (0.67)
    HVS 1 (0.67)