Figure 3:
Functionally interacting proteins encoded by confirmed genes (n = 23) and emerging candidate genes (n = 3) for CHD/TOF identified in n = 811 individuals with TOF. Network analysis was performed using Cytoscape, STRING and the 26 genes identified from exome sequencing of this cohort (STRING interaction enrichment p value 3.3E-16; see text for details). Node sizes (circles) represent the connectivity (numbers of edges to other proteins). Node colors represent the interaction with VEGFR2/KDR (blue), NOTCH1 (yellow), or both (green). Edge widths represent the confidence (strength of data support for functional and physical protein associations, including textmining, experiments, databases, and co-expression). 23 of the 26 genes form an interactive network with VEGFR2 (gene KDR) and NOTCH1 as central nodes, each connecting directly with 11 other proteins.