Fig. 1. PANSS score reduction per timepoint.
This figure shows the PANSS score reduction for PANSS total (a), PANSS positive (b), PANSS negative (c), and PANSS general (d) at different timepoints (0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 26, 39, and 52 weeks). All antipsychotic medications were analyzed for men and women separately. Sample sizes were as follows: amisulpride male group n = 25; amisulpride female group n = 27; aripiprazole male group n = 39; aripiprazole female group n = 12; olanzapine male group n = 29; olanzapine female group n = 12. The analysis is based on a linear mixed model with time as a categorical variable. The error bars show the standard errors of the PANSS estimates at each timepoint. PANSS Positive and Negative Symptom Scale.