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. 2021 Aug 18;11:16729. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-94932-9

Table 1.

Summary information for ancient samples first reported in this paper. Capture data and calibrated radiocarbon dates for POP07 and POP14 were previously reported in2. See Methods and Supplementary Table S1 for further information about data provided in the table.

Individual ID Site name, archaeological time period and culture Date range (BCE contextual; calBCE/calCE 95.4% CI calibrated radiocarbon age) Population analysis label Genetic sex # autosomal SNPs overlapping with 1240 K panel mtDNA haplotype Y haplotype
POP02 Beli Manastir-Popova zemlja Middle Neolithic Sopot 4700–4300 BCE Croatia_Pop_MN F 855,968 K1a
POP04 M 884,196 H J
POP05 F 790,411 K1a5
POP06 F 944,648 K2b1
POP07 4790–4558 calBCE M 861,721 U5b2b I2a2a
POP08 4700–4300 BCE F 805,956 U8b1a1
POP09 F 867,653 K1a4
POP11 F 865,887 T2b3
POP12 F 841,209 T2b
POP13 F 800,065 T2c1d1
POP14 4763–4536 calBCE F 913,421 N1a1a1
POP16 4700–4300 BCE F 825,473 N1a1a1a2
POP19 F 878,975 N1a1a1a3
POP24 M 795,338 K1a1a I2a2a
POP27 F 837,294 T2b21
POP30 M 805,808 T2b11 G2a2a
POP33 4603–4071 calBCE M 710,341 K1a1 G2a2b2a1a1
POP35 4584–4458 calBCE M 774,710 J2b1a5 C1a2b
POP36 4700–4300 BCE M 759,163 H G2a2a
POP39 Beli Manastir-Popova zemlja Copper Age 2859 – 2502 calBCE Croatia_Pop_CA F 981,784 HV9
POP23 Beli Manastir-Popova zemlja Roman Period 260–402 calCE Croatia_Pop_RomanP M 962,966 T2f2 R1a1a1b2a2b1
JAG06 Jagodnjak-Krčevine Middle Bronze Age Southern Transdanubian Encrusted Pottery Culture 1800–1600 BCE Croatia_Jag_MBA M 846,845 T2b11 G2a2a1a2a2a1 ~ 
JAG34 1879–1642 calBCE M 919,781 K2a G2a2a1a2a2a1 ~ 
JAG58 1800–1600 BCE M 762,207 T2b11 G2a2a1a2a2a1 ~ 
JAG78 M 922,257 U5b1b1a G2a2a1a2a2a1 ~ 
JAG82 M 869,661 U2e1a1 G2a2a1a2a2a1 ~ 
JAG85 F 734,912 K1b1b1
JAG93 F 807,256 U5a1g