Antibodies |
Goat polyclonal anti-GFP |
Rockland |
Cat#600-101-215; RRID: AB_218182
Goat polyclonal anti-Brn3a |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology |
Cat#sc-31984; RRID: AB_2167511
Rabbit polyclonal anti-CD31 |
Abcam |
Cat#ab28364; RRID: AB_726362
Goat polyclonal anti-Mrc1 |
R and D Systems |
Cat#Af2535; RRID: AB_2063012
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Laminin |
Abcam |
Cat#ab11575; RRID: AB_298179
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Cone Arrestin |
Millipore |
Cat#AB15282; RRID: AB_1163387
Critical commercial assays |
Click-iT™ EdU Cell Proliferation Kit |
ThermoFisher |
Experimental models: Organisms/strains |
Mouse: C57BL/6J
The Jackson Laboratory |
Cat# JAX:000664; RRID: IMSR_JAX:000664 |
Mouse: Ccdc-136GFP/GFP
Smiley et al. (2016) |
N/A |
Mouse: Rbloxp/loxp; p107-/-;α-Cre
Chen et al. (2004) |
N/A |
Mouse: Rbloxp/loxp; p107-/-; p27+/-; α-Cre
Chen et al. (2004) |
N/A |
Mouse: Ndp-/Y
RRID: MGI:4414648 |
Mouse: Nrl-GFP
Mears et al. (2001) |
N/A |
Mouse: ROSAmT/mG
The Jackson Laboratory |
RRID: IMSR_JAX:007576 |
Mouse: Nrl-/-;ROSAmT/mG
This paper |
N/A |
Oligonucleotides |
See Table 1 for forward and reverse genotyping primer sequences. |
N/A |
N/A |
Software and algorithms |
Imaris 9 |
Bitplane | |
RipleyGUI |
Hansson et al. (2013) |
N/A |
R spatstat |
Baddeley and Turner (2005) |
N/A |
Prism 7 |
Graphpad | |
Other |
3D printed component CAD files |
This paper |
N/A |