Figure 1.
Depicts the box plot for three readings for each variable. {The horizontal line within the box indicates the median, boundaries of the box indicate the 25th and 75th percentile. The mild outliers are marked with open circles (o) and extreme outliers with asterisks (*). AL: Axial Length; WTW: White-toWhite; AD: Aqueous Depth; LT: Lens Thickness; IBD Ix (Iris coordinate Ix); IBD Iy (Iris coordinate Iy);ACA (Anterior corneal astigmatism); ACA J0 & J45 (J0 & J45 vectors of anterior corneal astigmatism) ; TCA (Total corneal astigmatism); TCA J0 &J45 (J0 & J45 vectors of total corneal astigmatism).}