Figure 5:
Plots (top row) show the mean (line) and the range between the 5th and 95th percentiles (light gray shaded region) for the anterior center of pressure (COP) location and the maximum contact pressure on the medial tibial plateau during the stance phase of simulated walking for the 500 virtual ACL reconstructions (ACLR). The scatter plots (bottom row) demonstrate the effect of ACL graft tunnel location and graft angle on the anterior COP location and maximum contact pressure on the medial tibial plateau at the instance of peak ACL loading during stance (vertical dotted gray line in top plots). Each point in the scatter plots was computed relative to the native model (virtual ACLR model minus native). Positive values indicate that the virtual ACLR model value was greater than that of the nominal model, and negative values indicate that ACLR the model value was less than that of the nominal model. Scatter plots include coefficient of determination (R2) and the slope of the least-squares linear regression (β) computed between the ACL reconstruction surgical factors and the knee mechanics metrics.