Fig. 3.
Gene structure and motifs of TaC2H2-ZFP family. a The clustering of TaC2H2-ZF proteins based on Maximun Likelihoodphy phylogenetic tree. b The exon–intron structure of TaC2H2-ZF genes, the yellow boxes are the UTR region of TaC2H2-ZF genes, the green boxes are the exon of CDS, and the black line is the intron. c Schematic depiction of 15 conserved motifs in TaC2H2-ZF proteins. MEME online tool was used to identify the motifs of the TaC2H2-ZF proteins. Each motif is denoted by different colored blocks with respective numbers in the center of the motifs. The number in boxes (1–15) signifies motif 1–motif 15. The length and position of each colored box indicate the actual size of the motif. The full size and high resolution figure is available in Additional file 2