Standard clinical laboratory values in cardiac arrest patients with brain normoxia and hypoxia. The admission, peak, and median laboratory results are presented for lactate (A), pH (B), [HCO3−] (C), troponin (D), LDH (lactate dehydrogenase; E), creatinine (F), AST (aspartate aminotransferase; G), and ALT (alanine aminotransferase; H). Data are presented as bars (median±IQR) with individual patient data overlaid for both groups. Data were compared between normoxic (NX; red) and hypoxic (HX; cyan) patients with hypoxic ischemic brain injury at each time point using a Mann-Whitney U test. It is noted that there appears to be an outlier for LDH, AST, and ALT, with these values reflective of the same patient. Exclusion of this patient from the analysis does not alter the statistical output for these 3 variables (ie, no significant difference between groups).