Fig. 1. 2D channel-modulated acoustic crystal and its dispersion property.
a Schematic of the 2D channel-modulated acoustic crystal and its unit-cell. b Photograph of the printed 2D channel-modulated sample. c Dispersion diagram of a supercell composed of 15 coupled cavities, terminated by a hard-wall boundary along the x-direction, and a periodic boundary condition along the z-direction. The topological pumping of edge states is represented by blue surfaces, whereas the bulk bands are indicated by gray surfaces. d Wave number as a function of the pumping parameter for frequency f = 4960 Hz, corresponding to the cross-section illustrated by the red horizontal sheet in c. The insets show the topological mode from left to right localization with the change of the pumping parameter from to along the z-direction. The color scale corresponds to the pressure amplitude. e, f Experimental e and numerical f demonstrations of topological edge pumping in the 2D crystal with the frequency at f = 4960 Hz. The color scale corresponds to the pressure amplitude.