Figure 6.
Changes in risky behaviors including shifting to injection, using shared drug use equipment, needle sharing, and risky sexual behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic period, reported by 177 respondents from 77 countries globally. Respondents were asked to report changes in risky behaviors (injection, shared drug use equipment, needle sharing, and risky sexual behaviors) through the following options: Yes, No, I do not know, I do not like to answer, and Not applicable. Countries' names are sorted in alphabetical order, and the number of each countries' respondents is mentioned in front of the names. The numbers of respondents who reported Yes or No answers to each question are demonstrated inside the bars (If nothing is written, it indicates that there was only one response within Yes and No answers). The percentages shown by the bars are also based on only Yes or No answers. The mean percentages of all responses, regardless of their originated countries and without considering those who reported other than Yes and No answers, alongside the mean percentage answers of all countries, regardless of the number of respondents in each country, are addressed in the last two rows below the countries' names (Risky Sex. Beh., Risky Sexual Behaviors).