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. 2021 Aug 18;15:11795549211038256. doi: 10.1177/11795549211038256

Table 5.

Papers on breast cancer.

Authors Study group Methodology Diagnosis Prognosis Survival
Kruger et al59 5 pts series with primary invasive breast carcinoma: series I (n = 546), series II (n = 282), series III (n = 98), series IV (n = 192), series V (n = 35) IHC Nestin was strongly associated with germline BRCA1 related breast cancer Nestin protein positivity was independently associated with reduced breast cancer specific survival
Tampaki et al60 141 radically operated pts with breast cancer IHC Nestin is expressed in breast cancer cells with highly aggressive potency When nestin is expressed, a significantly higher disease recurrence exists
Parry et al61 245 invasive breast cancer IHC Nestin was an independent prognostic factor Nestin was not associated with disease-free, metastasis-free or breast cancer specific survival
Rogelsperger et al62 42 patients with primary breast cancer Double immunofluorescence staining The co-expression of melatonin receptor-1 with nestin in breast cancer cells invading the stroma was associated with a more advanced tumor stage and worse prognosis
Piras et al63 53 pts
with T4 breast cancer (stage IIIB)
IHC The presence of nestin in tumoral cells significantly predicted poor prognosis at 5 year survival
Gao et al64 109 pts with
breast cancer who underwent radical operations
IHC The expression of nestin might play an important role in the prognosis of breast carcinoma Nestin may have an important effect on the development and metastasis in breast carcinoma

Abbreviations: BRCA, breast cancer; IHC, immunohistochemistry.