(A) Chest X-ray supine view of a 45 years male patient with severe dyspnea showing bilateral mid and lower zone airspace shadowing with peripheral predilection. (B) HRCT chest lung window axial images of same patient showing bilateral peripheral subpleural areas of ground glass haze with lower lobe predominance. (C,D) CT chest contrast axial image in lung window showing subpleural ground glass haze, reticulation and crazy paving in lower lobes in a 65 years male patients with fever, cough and sore throat. (E-G) HRCT chest lung window axial images of a 60 years male patient with fever, cough, dyspnea and body aches showing bilateral ground glass haze and crazy paving in peripheral subpleural location of both lungs. (H) HRCT chest lund window image of a 48 years male patient with fever, dyspnea and body ache showing bilateral peripheral subpleural consolidations with minimal ground glass haze in both lungs.