Daily pain scores in the postoperative period. Patients provided daily reports of their worst pain and average pain experienced in the previous 24 hours. (A) Patients in the COLP group reported significantly lower worst daily pain scores in the postoperative period compared with patients in the TAU group (COLP EMM: 5.9, 95% CI: [5.2, 6.6] vs TAU EMM: 6.9, 95% CI: [6.3, 7.6]; Wald x2: 4.50, P = 0.034). (B) Patients’ average daily pain (BPI mean) experienced in the previous 24 hours was not significantly different between groups (COLP EMM: 4.4, 95% CI: [3.8, 5.0] vs TAU EMM: 5.1, 95% CI: [4.4, 5.7]; Wald x2: 2.39, P = 0.122). BPI, Brief Pain Inventory; CI, confidence interval; COLP, conditioned open-label placebo; EMM, Estimated Marginal Mean; POD, postoperative day; TAU, treatment as usual.