Exploratory analysis of treatment moderation by baseline patient characteristics. Interactions between treatment and baseline characteristics were assessed using the PROCESS macro in SPSS, which assesses for significant moderation of treatment effect by other variables. (A) Significant treatment x baseline pain interaction, suggesting a greater benefit of COLP among patients with higher reported baseline pain. (B) Significant treatment x sex interaction, with COLP associated with lower opioid consumption predominantly among female patients. (C and D) Significant treatment x age interaction, with COLP associated with decreased pain (C) and opioid consumption (D) among younger patients. (E) Significant treatment x TSP interaction, suggesting a greater benefit of COLP among patients higher baseline TSP. (F and G) Significant treatment x fibromyalgianess interaction, with COLP associated with lower pain (F) and daily opioid consumption (D) among patients with higher baseline fibromyalgianess scores. COLP, conditioned open-label placebo; POD, postoperative day; TAU, treatment as usual; TSP, temporal summation of pain.