Fig. 2. O2 binding to IPNS:Fe:ACV causes dynamics throughout the protein.
Color gradient B-factor analysis of tr-SFX data from blue (24 Å2), to white, to red (36 Å2) for (A) Fe, O2, substrate/intermediate/product and (B) the protein including α3 (amino acids 47 to 64) and the C-terminal region (α10; amino acids 315 to 331). Note: (i) α3 B-factors rise on O2 exposure and decrease on IPN formation, (ii) ACV valine–derived atoms become disordered on O2 exposure but are ordered in the IPN complex, (iii) α10 is involved in ACV binding/IPN product release and remains disordered in IPNS:Fe:IPN complex since IPN is trapped due to lattice packing constraints.