SpikeD614G |
A missense mutation in S protein encoding gene, where an amino acid (aa) change from aspartate to glycine at 614 position was found. With this mutation this strain contains 3 other mutations as follow:
C-to-T mutation at the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) at position 241,
C-to-T mutation at position 3037,
a nonsynonymous C-to-T mutation at position 14,408 within the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene.
D614G substitution was a rare mutation at the beginning of the COVID-19 spread before March 2020, found as predominant in Europe, but later it occurred about 74% in all published sequences in June 2020 and spread worldwide. This mutation enhances the viral replication in the upper respiratory tract and also has higher susceptible to neutralization by monoclonal antibodies. |
[21,22] |
NSP2 and NSP3 |
SARS-CoV-2 contains a polar aa instead of nonpolar aa unlike bat SARS at position 321 and glycine is replaced by serine in NSP3 at position of 543. |
This may affect the mechanisms involved in viral entry and replication and increases the contagiousness of the virus. |
[23] |
SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01 |
This new variant of SARS-CoV-2 has 29 aa substitution from the original Wuhan strain with a mutation N501Y which is located in the receptor binding region. |
It is first reported in UK. According to till now revealed reports this new strain possesses a high transmissible rate than the original strain. |
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Mutations in Rdrp |
A mutation was found in the RNA dependent RNA polymerase at the position of 14,408. |
It might result in drug resistant viral phenotype. |
[25] |
Mutations in ORF region |
According to the present studies there are mutations in ORF region as follow:
C > T in ORF1ab gene at position 8782,
T > C in ORF8 gene at position 28,144.
Better studies needed to understand the role of this mutation in virulence of the virus. |
[26] |
∆382 variant |
This variant has 382 nucleotide deletion in ORF8. |
This variant, seen during the early epidemic in Wuhan, is mild infectious with lower concentration of proinflammatory cytokines. |
[27] |
SARS-CoV-2 AZ-ASU2923 |
This variant has a deletion of 81 nucleotide in the ORF7a region found in Arizona. |
Pathogenic consequences are yet to be studied. |
[28] |