Fig. G.2.
Derivation of the time-dependent probabilities of detectionand hospitalization, for Sweden.A: prevalence data for Sweden from Folkhalsomyndigheten 1, Folkhalsomyndigheten 2, with three alternative fits: a linear, a Gompertz and an exponential (for comparison). B: number of detected cases over total cases on time, inferred from prevalence, for the three fits to prevalence of panel A. The final functional form for (the probability of being detected if infected) is in green. C: data for daily new detected cases, people entering hospital and people entering ICU (not to be confused with the numbers of people occupying hospitals and ICUs displayed in Fig. 2 of the main text). D: in blue the ratio of people entering hospitals divided by new daily detected cases two days earlier, which we employ to build the piece-wise linear function (in green). This is assumed for , i.e. the probability of being hospitalized when detected positive.