TDM regulates the odontogenic differentiation of hDPSCs via inhibition of the expression of GSK3β. The expression levels of odontogenic genes and proteins significantly increased in GSK3β-RNAi group compared with Sh-NC, as detected by (A) Western blotting assay and (B) q RT-PCR. Also, The expression of the odontogenic genes and proteins, including RUNX2, ALP, DSPP, DMP-1, β-III Tubulin and Factor VIII significantly decreased in Ad-GSKβ group compared with control group. (C) The expression of active β-catenin was significantly changed as expected in Ad- GSK3β group and GSK3β-RNAi group. (D) Immunofluorescence was also performed in the context of dentin-related proteins. * means p<0.05 and **means p<0.01 compared with the control group.