Functional analysis of S. cerevisiae IMX 1000 cells expressing Ato1-GFP, Ato1-GFP mutants (E144A, E144A/L219A, F98A/E144A and E144A/Y155A) and SatP. A - Growth of Ato1-GFP E144A, E144A/L219A, F98A/E144A and E144A/Y155A mutant cells spotted on YNB media containing acetic acid (0.5% w/v), pH 6.0) (AA) at 18 °C for 10 days. B - Initial uptake rates of radiolabelled 14C-acetic acid as a function of the acid concentration in cells transformed with the plasmids p416GPD (full circles), pAto1-GFP (open circles), pE144A-GFP (full squares), pSatP (empty squares). Cells were collected at mid-exponential growth phase from YNB-glucose (2% w/v), washed and derepressed for 4 h in YNB lactic acid (0.5% w/v, pH 5.0).