Association between burst kinetics and dynamic aRME
(A) Quantification of the proportion of dynamic aRME genes (Cat 2 & Cat 3) with bursty expression and proportion of biallelic genes (Cat 4) having bursty expression in EPI and VE cells of E6.5 stage.
(B) Pairwise correlation between different allelic bursting kinetics parameters (burst frequency: konCAST and konC57; Proportion of unit time that the gene stays in active form: pCAST = konCAST/(konCAST + koffCAST) ; pC57 = konC57/(konC57 + koff57); burst size: SCAST/koffCAST and SC57/koffC57) and expression level (sum of normalized allelic read counts (log)) of the alleles in EPI and VE cells of E6.5 stage.
(C) Scatterplot representing an estimate of burst size and a burst frequency of the CAST and C57 allele of autosomal genes. The gene's color is profiled based on the percent of cells expressing the CAST or C57 allele.
(D) Scatterplot representing an estimate of burst size and burst frequency of the CAST and C57 allele of autosomal genes. The color of the gene is depicted based on the mean allelic expression.