Glucokinase deletion in ependymal cells induces the ablation of tanycytes facing the median eminence, the ventromedial arcuate nucleus, and the ventromedial nucleus. A-E. Representative images of tdTomato expression along the third ventricle one, three, four, and seven days following TAT-Cre injection in TanGckf/f mice. Tanycytes facing the vmARH and the VMH disappear at days 3 and 4, respectively. F. Schematic representation of tanycyte ablation along the third ventricle on the anteroposterior axis in TanGck−/− mice. G-H. Representative images of Gck mRNA expression (cyan dots) along the third ventricle (arrows) in TanGckf/f and TanGck−/− mice two days after the injection. Gck mRNA is reduced along the ventricle, whereas it is still present in the brain parenchyma in TanGck−/− mice (asterisk). I-J. Quantification of Gck expression in tanycytes facing the ME (I) and the vmARH (J) in TanGckf/f and TanGck−/− mice one and two days after the injection (n = 6 TanGckf/f; n = 4/3 TanGck−/− mice at day 1 and day 2, respectively). ARH, arcuate nucleus; DMH, dorsomedial nucleus; GCK, glucokinase; ME, median eminence; VMH, ventromedial nucleus; 3V, third ventricle. Cell nuclei are counterstained using DAPI (white in A-E, G-H). Scale bars: 100 μm in A-E and 20 μm in G-H. Data are means ± SEM. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗∗p < 0.001 compared to TanGckf/f group. Refer Supplementary Figure 1–5.