Figure 6.
Tanycyte ablation induces leptin resistance. A-B. 1-h food intake (A) and 30-min glycemia (B) after ghrelin injection in adult male TanGckf/f and TanGck−/− mice (2 cohorts, n = 6/5 in vehicle condition; n = 5/11 in ghrelin condition, respectively). C. Difference in overnight food intake in adult male TanGckf/f and TanGck−/− mice following citrate or leptin injection (2 cohorts, n = 13/15, respectively). D-G. Representative images showing the distribution of pSTAT3 in the ARH in adult male TanGckf/f (D, F) and TanGck−/− (E, G) mice without (D–E) or with leptin injection (F–G). H–I. Quantification of the number of pSTAT3-activated cells in the ARH (H) and vmARH (I) in adult male TanGckf/f and TanGck−/− mice with or without leptin injection (n = 3/3 in vehicle condition; n = 4/9 in leptin condition, respectively). ARH, arcuate nucleus; GCK, glucokinase; 3v, third ventricle. Data are means ± SEM. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗∗p < 0.001 compared to TanGckf/f group within the same metabolic condition. Scale bars: 100 μm in D-G. Refer Supplementary Figure 7.