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. 2021 Aug 21;20:38. doi: 10.1186/s12942-021-00292-y

Table 1.

Characteristics of reported child illness and care-seeking events, by stratum

Rural Urban
% CI n
% CI
Proportion of children with at least one DHS illness 199 36.4 [32.4–40.5] 186 34.6 [30.7–38.8]
Reported Child Illness 199 186
 Diarrhea 23 11.6 [7.8–16.8] 50 26.9 [21.0–33.7]
 Fever 117 58.8 [51.8–65.4] 85 45.7 [38.7–52.9]
 ARIa 6 3 [1.4–6.6] 3 1.6 [0.5–4.9]
 Diarrhea and Fever 28 14.1 [9.9–19.6] 35 18.8 [13.8–25.1]
 Diarrhea and ARI 3 1.5 [0.5–4.6] 0 0
 Fever and ARI 17 8.5 [5.4–13.3] 10 5.4 [2.9–9.7]
 Diarrhea, Fever and ARI 5 2.5 [1.0–5.9] 3 1.6 [0.5–4.9]
Proportion of illnesses for which mother reported seeking care from: 199 186
 Any provider 157 78.9 [72.7–84.0] 124 66.7 [59.6–73.1]
 Skilled providerb 151 75.9 [69.5–81.3] 116 62.4 [55.2–69.0]
  > 1 provider 9 4.5 [2.4–8.5] 5 2.7 [1.1–6.3]
Proportion of children that sought care from category of providerc3: 199 186
 Govt hospital 0 0 5 2.7 [0.9–6.2]
 Govt health center/post 122 61.3 [54.2–68.1] 111 59.7 [52.3–66.8]
 Govt CBA/fieldworker 36 18.1 [13.0–24.2] 1 0.5 [0.0–3.0]
 Pvt hospital/clinic 0 0 1 0.5 [0.0–3.0]
 Pharmacy 1 0.5 [0.0–2.8] 2 1.1 [0.1–3.8]
 Shop/market 2 1 [0.1–3.6] 9 4.8 [2.2–9.0]
 Traditional/faith-based practitioner 5 2.5 [0.8–5.8] 0 0

aARI defined as cough with chest-related difficulty breathing

bSkilled providers included government and private health facilities and government CBAs

cCalculated among all sick children—some children taken to multiple sources of care